Weekly Updates

This is just a brief message to announce that new vehicle posts will be uploaded ONCE a week for the foreseeable future. Hopefully, a more frequent posting schedule will be returned to soon.

Thank you for your continued interest in the Transportica, I hope that you will continue to find amusement here during the oncoming months.

The new posts will be revealed each MONDAY; other updates to the website will continue as and when possible.

N. Pearson

5 Responses to “Weekly Updates”

  1. p3lb0x said:

    Awww D: , I really liked the frequent updates

  2. Dr Smilax said:

    The mental effort in translating the code has taken its toll. Mr Pearson now needs to spend much of his time resting in preparation for each subsequent chapter.

    His imaginings contain an extraordinary level of referential integrity, and if we did not know better one could almost think he was describing future events as if he had seen them himself.

    Quite absurd of course.

  3. p3lb0x said:

    I understand.

  4. shane j said:

    alas, it is true that mr Pearson has long been afflicted by the need to spend much of his time resting. i am beggining to fear that a cure may never be found.

  5. admin said:

    ah yes, my dear friend Mr. J. You know me all too well.

    In my defence, I can only say that I have been cursed – from the first day of meeting Mr. Fenn and the strange vehicle he rode upon, my own philosophy was changed forever.